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You Know You’re Bosnian When

October 4, 2007

(you’ve stolen this from somewhere else and written a note that you’re going to steel it) 

your family owns a manual coffee grinder

you take your shoes off when you enter the house, and every family member has his/her own slippers (plus some extra for the guests)

your neighbour comes over every day uninvited, for coffee

your father wears striped pajamas

you start your day with a cup of coffee and a cigarette

you have 17 consonants and 2 vowels in your last name

your mother/nena won’t accept the fact that you’re not hungry

you have “pita” (Bosnian food that is like a pastry puff filled with salty fillings like cheese or meat) for dinner at least 4 days a week

you have “sarma” (stuffed cabbage) for dinner the remaining 3 days

a loaf of bread is eaten for lunch every day

you’re 6 and your father sends you out to buy him “Drina” and “Sarajevsko”(brand of cigarettes)

you don’t speak to your cousins who support “Zeljo”

your nena insists you eat something with a “kasika” (spoon) at least once a week

you chop up some onions and then decide what to cook for dinner

your mother insists that “promaja” (draft) will kill you

your mother tells you not to sit on the concrete slabs, or your ovaries are going to freeze

your mother tells you to wear “potkosulja” (undershirt), no matter what the temperature outside

your mother tells you not to sit close to the TV, and not to use cell phones, because you’ll get brain tumor

your mother tells you that you’ll get sick from drinking cold water

you tuck in your “potkosulja” (undershirt) into your underwear

your parents wonder why you take showers every day

your parents tell you that they had you, AND your sister/brother when they were your age

a couple of days really means a week or so

your parents have “goblene”(needlepoint) on their walls, and “heklanje”(fine handmade lace) on every piece of their furniture, including the TV

your parents make “zimnica” (canned vegetables) every september

your mother threathens you with “samo cekaj dok ti se babo vrati kuci” (just wait till your dad gets home)

you spend all your family vacations in Neum (only part of Bosnia on the Adriatic)

you drive there in a family “golf” (small as a yugo)

you take a car to go everywhere

you begin most sentences with “jebi ga”, (fuck it) “svega mi” (I swear on everything), or “Tita mi” (I swear on Tito)

your young cousin doesn’t know what “Tita mi” means

you can’t explain what “bolan” means, but you use it all the time – (um yes – I have no idea what it means)

you’re the only one who gets all the Mujo and Suljo jokes

you know the entire script of “Walter brani Sarajevo” by heart

you despise your cousin who’s going out with an “unproforac” (UN worker)

your mother bakes a cake without oil, sugar, eggs, or flour, and she calls it “a war cake”

the time is divided into “before” and “after” the war

your father refers to all politicians with “djubrad” (idiots), “lopovi”(con-artists), and “kriminalci”(criminals)

you have at least one best friend from high school who went to “their side” and you still can’t explain it to yourself

your remaining friends from high school live in Australia, Norway, Germany, and Malaysia

you don’t want to talk about the war to anyone, but that’s the only thing you talk about with other Bosnians

you have at least three passports, and have lived in at least 4 countries in the last 12 years

70 Comments leave one →
  1. October 5, 2007 3:06 am

    It sounds so much like my parents after WWII. They were Jewish Holocaust survivors from Poland.

    If I walked over someone’s legs who was sitting on the floor, my father would make me go back over them, or else he thought they wouldn’t grow, or it was bad luck or something.
    And it they spoke like you describe, before the war and after the war, but never to us children did they talk about the war until much later, and then only small stories, each filled with misery and horror. It was all they could bear to tell at one time.

  2. October 5, 2007 5:25 am

    Dear Samaha,

    This is a great post. I’d love to reproduce it at a newish collective blog website called

    Please contact me at

    contact AT yahyabirt DOT com

    Kind regards, Yahya Birt

  3. cottonbud permalink
    October 5, 2007 3:50 pm

    Oh, sweet flavor of childhood! Many, many of these things made up my childhood here, in Romania, too!

    As a local flavor, I’d add secretly listening to Radio Free Europe, shush-ing all comments about Ceausescu (the Romanian Communist dictator, for those who don’t know).

    I could also add avoiding to step on four-hole sewer lids (bad luck) and passing under two-pole street signs (the same…), wearing horrendous high-school uniforms…

    And, of course, our very own variant of Russian Roulette: tell a political joke and try to find out who, of your friends, is a Secret Police informer.

  4. October 6, 2007 1:38 am

    At least you don’t have the “you come home with 98% and your parents ask you where the other 2% went”… lol

    you know, with a few changes, this list could easily apply to bengalis as well!

  5. Jihad permalink
    October 9, 2007 4:13 pm

    I need the recipe for War Cake.

    Jebi ga! 😉

  6. October 9, 2007 9:24 pm

    hi samaha, sorry just catch your blog and dont even have the time to read the rest, yet I have to ask you: are you Bosnian? I mean coz I am and when I saw: “you know you are Bosnian when…” I was like:WHAT?? 😀
    mahsuz selam

  7. October 12, 2007 1:21 am

    Eid Mubarak, Dear Sister, to you and your family 🙂 May the day be filled with love and joy.

    Ya Haqq!

  8. October 12, 2007 3:50 am

    Irving – OMG – My parents made me do the same thing when it came to walking over someone’s legs and eid mubarak to you as well.

    Yayya 😉 – agreed

    Cottonbud – I need to add much of that to my list as well. Ahhhh the stories I could tell about trying to keep my mouth shut in regards to politics.

    Haleem – we got something called batine (a beating) for that 2%

    Jihad – that would be 1 part what you have in the fridge and 2 parts what’s in the cubbard 🙂

    Leila draga – drago mi je da si skuzila. Dobro dosla i selam i tebi. Dodzi sto cesce – pristavicu nam kafu.

  9. Bosanski Vojnik permalink
    November 4, 2007 5:10 pm

    ma ovo je srpsko…nije promaja nego promaha.. and i can explain bolan…it means onaj ko je bolestan (one who is sick) bosnians dont say that very often any more we say ba (serbs say bre) and the three passports are bullshit cuz u can only legally have one at a time!

  10. November 5, 2007 5:24 pm

    Bosanski Vojnik – I was wondering about promaha – ali sam opet sigurna da ovo je poceto od Bosanaca – i to od nekog ko je prije rata rodzen u inostranstvo. Mislim ali nisam sigurna da znam osobu od kojeg je pocelo.

    As for the passports – all three may not be valid but knowing how Bosnians hold on to things for “uspomene” (memories) I’m sure that many .. at least in the United States do have 3 passports even though all are not valid: A Yugoslavian passport (pre-war) a US passport after becomming refugees and then a Bosnian passport (post-war).

    Did you know that Bosnian Americans have the right to dual citizenship? Even I, who was born here in the United States has the right to obtain Bosnian citizenship without having to renounce my American citizenship.

  11. Miljenko Bombina! permalink
    November 23, 2007 8:25 am

    Lol i was reading this thinking its all true!
    I agree with Bosanski Vojnik that Bosnians say Ba more often then bolan

    either way good job at putting this together!
    although you should add
    ‘ Bosnians are the only race that suffer from promaha’!

  12. Dazyee permalink
    February 6, 2008 2:23 am


    This is really great.. I like it… Good job.. Cause many of these things my mom tells me everyday.

    Now a comment for Bosanski Bojnik: ono sto kazes da nije promaja nogo promaha mali moj to sve zavisi sa koje strane bosne dolazis u krajini se kaze promaja a to neznaci da smo srbi. A druogo sa “bolan” cura nije mislila na osobi koja je bolesna nego na uzrecicu koju svo bosanci upotrebljavaju kako naprimjer: Bolan jesi ti vidjela sta je ona Bosanski vojnik napisao..
    Eto po tome se vidi koliko ti znas svoj rodeni jezik i koliko razumijes engleski…


  13. Dazyee permalink
    February 6, 2008 2:26 am

    Oh yeah and something else Bosniens started saying ba only after the war and don’t tell me no, cause I have been in every part of Bosnia before and after the war. In fact I teach Bosnien..

  14. February 19, 2008 6:59 pm

    Selam Dayzee! It’s not my original work – this has been out there for years but every time I read it, I laugh and I had to share it just because it’s so spot on.

    A jeste – to je tacno da sve zavisi iz kojeg kraja dolazis. Znam sama da sam navikla na rjec hljeb, a oni iz krajne mi vole reci da je to srbsko, nije hljeb vec kruh. A sad nemoj da vam pricam za “srbsku kafu” – Jole!

  15. Nina :) permalink
    March 3, 2008 1:06 am

    Bosanski Vojnik – yeh its promaja..promaha is an after-war word thank u very much seems that now ppl wanna make up their own freaking language after the war to distinguish themselves..since when do we put an h into everything..go back 2 ur roots man..ur selling out..go bosnia!!

  16. wtf permalink
    March 16, 2008 1:57 pm

    svi ostavljaju komentare na engleskom a svi skoro znaju bosanski/srpski/hrvatski. al jebi ga, istina je skoro sve sto pise.

  17. Jazic permalink
    March 29, 2008 3:48 pm

    Regarding the “bolan” and “ba”, it depends on where you are in Bosnia… I am from Mostar, and there it’s all “majke ti” “bona” “bolan” all the time…. While when I was in Sarajevo all I heard was “ba” in every sentence.

  18. Niraja permalink
    June 9, 2008 11:03 am

    Eh jebiga, bas tako! 😀

  19. medinabby;* permalink
    August 3, 2008 3:18 pm

    dearrrrr dearrrr.
    half of this stuff is serbian,wtf.
    some stuff is true,but not all of it,
    because serbians do this shittt.
    whatevverrrrrr :]
    just wanted to make a pointtt.

  20. zerina permalink
    August 14, 2008 2:27 am

    hahah! evo citam s mamom i smijemo se! Bas si sve potrefio!

    too funny!!

  21. Gacan permalink
    August 16, 2008 5:17 am

    Nina, before the war in Gacko, back in the 80s, everyone even the serbs called it promaha, and used “h” instead of “j” and spoke with the same accent bosnians speak with now, so it’s not an after war thing nor trying to make an identity. I think its more of a seljaci if anything.

  22. Kladuscanka permalink
    September 19, 2008 5:45 pm

    Uh nao vo bi se moglo puno reci odnosno na vase komentare,kao prvo ja sam iz kladuse i cjeli zivot govorim kruh i prije bi rekla sumur neg hljeb ,hljeb mi bas zvuci srbski.Takodje kazem promaha.Al manje vise vazno nezelim ulaziti u to,jer ja mislim da mi ni sami neznamo pravo pisa jer danas svako malo selo ima svoj nacin izgovaranja.

    A sto se tice to “BA” “Bona” “BRE” vidim sta je bosanski vojnik htjeo da objasni medjutim nije objasanjo u mnozini i do kraja,al eto ja mislim da je to ipak samo izreka da nikvo znacenje nema,ja takodje koristim to ba i to previse.Ali to ja samo izrekla pocetak recenice kao sto u ameriki koristimo “u know” “i know” zar ne ?

    ps.samaha amerika ti niakd nece zabraniti da imas svoje drzevljanstvo bez obzira sto si ovdi rodjena ako si rodom iz bosne imas pravo na to.Ali pokusaj iz njemacke il neke druge drzava sigurno nedaju.

  23. Fkaric permalink
    September 25, 2008 10:31 pm

    There was a saying my mother would use when I was mischievous as a little boy “ako te udarim, crna ce te krv obliti” or “if I hit you, black blood will engulf you” It was a figure of speech of course, but I always laughed when she said that trying to imagine how hard she would have to hit me for that to happen. Anyway, I wonder if anyone else heard that one before?

  24. Dina permalink
    December 29, 2008 3:37 pm

    yep, we had sarma yesterday and pita today. It’s all true. Hvala puno – Dina

  25. January 19, 2009 7:48 pm

    Uh oh, have to learn to make coffee the right way! And how to like coffee (shudder!)…

  26. January 19, 2009 8:50 pm

    Making the coffee won’t be too dificult and liking it – half coffee half milk works for me.

    Although .. I have a feeling that coffee will be the least of your problems. You’re going to have to learn to live with the whole coffee and cigarette tradition! If you’re not used to smoke filled rooms .. you might need to start practicing now.

  27. Owen permalink*
    January 20, 2009 10:03 am

    I took me a while to come to terms with rooms occupied by (then) Yugolsavs – in the end I realised that survival req

  28. Owen permalink*
    January 20, 2009 10:04 am

    Sorry, lost the end of that, survival required me to leave the room. How do they have any lungs?

  29. January 23, 2009 3:09 am

    Right. I am definitely not used to smoke and I don’t like it. Maybe I should go sit with our neighbor while he smokes, to prepare! Or just stand behind the car every time we start it…

  30. nodi permalink
    February 7, 2009 2:59 pm

    im from bosnia … i was born and am still living here … a lot of this is true , especially the “they wont accept your not hungry” fact 😀
    leila molio bi te da ne poistovjecujes bosnjake sa bosancima … bosnjaci su jedno , bosanci su nesto drugo … i vi ostali dijasporasi ste zaboravili da postavite da oni koji su ostali u ratu se smatraju vaznijim i mrze dijasporase – u forgot to put that those who stayed here during the war feel that they are more bosnians than those who fled :P:P:P
    nemate vi ba pojma… vama je mozda vazno sta je srpsko sta je hrvatsko sta je muslimansko … e pa nama sto smo zapravo i dozivili rat , nas vise boli “k” ! samo ocemo da zivimo…vi nesto pricate, neki veliki bosanci, neki veliki muslimani ne znate ni pisati kako treba:S:S
    hljeb govori maltene citava bosna i to govore bosanci bez obzira odakle ta rijec potice …
    istina je da i bosanci i srbi imaju dosta istih rijeci zato sto su i jedni i drugi dugo vremena bili pod turcima dok npr hrvati nisu … tako da hljeb nije samo “srpska(a ne srbska)” nego i bosanska rijec …
    neki kazu promaja neki kazu promaha isto vam dodje -.-
    sve u svemu ur so full of it 😛

  31. puharska permalink
    May 5, 2009 5:53 pm

    Ja sam iz Prijedora (sad dijaspora) i mi smo govorili propuha… nekad promaja, nikad promaha.
    Not that there’s anything wrong with that 🙂

  32. Samra permalink
    May 28, 2009 8:08 pm

    Hahah dobra si bona xD
    ja kad kazem majki da nisam gladna…uhh da bog sacuva..ona meni naporno govori da jedem dok ne izadjem iz sobe..but i am sorry to say i don’t start my day with coffee and a cigarette 😛

  33. Semir313 permalink
    October 11, 2009 4:32 am

    puno istina samo ote rijeci su malo ne pravilne….Moj Otac je iz Bijeljine i Mati iz Brcko…mi smo uvijek govorili Hljeb ne Kruh Nikada promaja uvijek Promaha….I tako gotovo cijela bosna prica zivio sam u Tuzli i u Sarajevo…a kad sam doso ovdi u Americi ima puno raje iz Kladuse i od Prijedora tamo…neke druge rijec isto gotovo hrvatski…Kazu Vlag ne Voz…Kazu Kruh ne Hljeb…Kazu Val ne talas…..

  34. ALISA permalink
    November 10, 2009 3:28 am

    HEHEHE ovo prepucavanje “nije to je bosanski… ne nije nego to je bas srpski…itd…dokazuje da smo iz Bosne!!!evo ni ja si nemogu pomoci pa moram nekom pametovat, a to ce biti SEMIR313:

  35. neko222 permalink
    April 21, 2010 1:05 pm

    Ovo bude na vecini stranica

    You are a Bosnian when:

    – you begin most sentences with “jebiga”

    – you can not explain what “bolan” means, but you use it all the time

    – your mother insists that “promaha” will kill you

    – older people call you “sine” although you are a girl

    – your mother tells you to wear “potkosulja”, no matter what the

    temperature outside

    – you tuck your “potkosulja” into your underwear

    – your father refers to all politicans with “djubrad”, “lopovi” ,and


    – your mother threathens you with “samo cekaj dok ti caca dodje kuci”

    – you are 6 and your father sends you out to buy him “Drina” and


    – you start your day with a cup of cofee and a cigarette

    – your mother won’t accept the fact that you are not hungry

    – you have “pita” for dinner at least 4 days a week

    – you have “sarma” for dinner the remaining 3 days

    – a loaf of bread is eaten for lunch every day

    – your neighbour comes over every day uninvited, for coffee

    – you have 17 consonants and 2 vowels in your last name

    – your mother tells you not to sit close to TV, and not to use cell

    phones, because you will get brain tumor

    – your mother tells you that you will get sick from drinking cold water

    – your parents have “goblene” on their walls, and “heklanje” on every

    piece of their furniture, including the TV

    – the time is divided into “before” and “after” the war

  36. medina hadzic permalink
    May 10, 2010 10:29 pm

    Medinabby its becuz we got have of the same stuff from them and cuz bosnia and serbia and sum other countries used 2 b apart of Yugoslovia remember????now….

  37. June 17, 2010 12:33 am

    Brcko distrikt – Moje, tvoje, nase Brcko

  38. Ellen permalink
    September 13, 2010 7:54 pm

    I found this site while looking for something completely different. I was actually searching for a way to buy Drina cigs online for my Bosnian boyfriend. I have been laughing for 10 minutes because everything written defines him. Everything makes so much sense after 6 years of being with him…I now know why he never lets me sit on the floor without a blanket under me. Hehe! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  39. September 14, 2010 11:14 pm

    Glad you enjoyed it Ellen! It’s cute that your boyfriend is concerned about your reproductive health – lol – have you set a date yet? 🙂

  40. Almedina:D permalink
    October 8, 2010 9:29 am

    to ellen,
    you comment made me laugh,

    and most of this stuff is true,
    ive recently gotten married i lived in the us most of my life., ever since ive gotten to bosna my “svekriva”(mother in law) has made me wear “pape” (nitted socks) when its hot outside.
    she says you wont have an easy pregnancy if you get sick….. the thing is IM NOT PREGNANT.

  41. October 20, 2010 1:47 am

    oh! what a nice post. Such information is really helpful for people who don’t know yet who they and how they can be identified. Thanks for sharing

  42. October 23, 2010 6:00 am

    Good post..Now I know more about Bosnia.
    I am thinking of a new tag
    (You know you’er ….)
    (How to know you’re….)
    For evey country
    All the best

  43. Abdul permalink
    November 2, 2010 1:54 pm

    Nice post bro.
    I’m from Libya, but alot of things are the same in our country, especially the things related to the mothers, that means the muslims parents too merciful.
    My mom ” Allah forgive her” were always said “I’m sure you didn’t eat”
    She died last month, Allah bless her

  44. Diana permalink
    November 7, 2010 5:08 pm

    Ahh sve istinaaa, bas me true, made me laugh, especially the “ovaries freezing” truth=funny. Go Bosnia!

  45. Ana permalink
    November 27, 2010 2:55 pm

    ja sam ovo negdje prije vidjela ali nije bilo ovoliko stvari

  46. Emina permalink
    January 13, 2011 2:59 am

    Hilarious and so true!!
    Some other funny ones too…
    -You eat and ajvar with every meal
    – When you have to use an English word in front of your parents, a Bosnian accent has to be added to it.
    -Rakija is used to cure all illnesses and celebrate all occasions
    -You’re not allowed to go outside or go to sleep if your hair was wet in the last two hours, no matter how hot it is, because you’ll get sick
    -Your parents tell you that they walked to school in 7feet of snow with no shoes on

  47. Eminaa permalink
    March 18, 2011 3:27 am

    haha this is soo true!! i love it!!
    when you go to your neighbors/family/friends you gata finish your drink/coffee or your “svatovi ce se vratiti”
    ..but good job!!

  48. SAMIR permalink
    April 12, 2011 10:53 pm

    This is the best and it is true:you are 6 and your father sends you out to buy him “Drina(”cigarettes) and

    My father did this to me and I did it to my son…

  49. Denver, Co/ Sanski Most,BIH permalink
    October 14, 2011 9:20 pm

    Ovo je sve tacno, ali me samo jedno zanima. Zasto se vi raspravljate kako je sta pravilo u bosanskom/srpsko-hrvatskom jeziku kad i sami znate i razumijete sve i jedan nacin dijalekta koristen celom Bosnom i Herzegovinom. Pitaj te se, da li je to stvarno vazno? Nemoguce i jako zalosno da u sadasnje vrijeme i dalje neki pojedinci sire i sade mrznju , ne samo izmedju nacionalne pripadnosti, nego sad ste poceli i sa rodnim krajevima. Sramota velika. Meni te uvrede prema drugim osobama bez obzira ko su i odakle su, se cini jako primitivno, a da nekazem da posedujete nesigurnost u sami sebe.

  50. theonethatgotaway permalink
    November 6, 2011 9:13 pm

    Ovo je stvarno smjesno i uvijek placem od smijeha kad procitam…stvarno je sve tacno za Bosance, ali isto tako i za Srbiju i ostale susjedne zemlje… a to je i logicno, jer samo sto smo sad svi nezavisne drzave ne znaci da su se ljudi iz Srbije pretvorili u Kineze i pricaju nekim desetim jezikom…i dalje je to sve balkanski mentalitet, i niko to ne moze promijeniti…
    ja licno to podrzavam, jer stvara osjecaj zajednistva i sigurnosti, pogotovo ako se zivi u inostranstvu…dok sam nedavno bila duze vremena u njemackoj, svi iz srbije, crne gore i hrvatske su bili moje komsije, moja raja i nikad nisam nesto lose pomislila samo zbog njihove nacionalnosti…
    ja mislim da je smisao ovog posta bio da se mi posteno nasmijemo i nista vise…sve najbolje zelim! 😀

  51. December 1, 2011 5:24 pm

    nista smjesnije nisam procitala do sada …komentari su suvisni..procitajte sami da se nasmijete hehehehhehe

  52. Irma permalink
    December 17, 2011 6:46 am

    lmao so true proud to be bosnian

  53. Ami permalink
    January 11, 2012 2:27 pm


  54. Ami permalink
    January 11, 2012 2:32 pm

    I Tried to post this one, but it didn’t work. Don’t get me wrong, but no matter how hard you tried, those who feld Bosnia will have to break their ties with it, cuz their children will be raised as Americans, GErmans, Norvegians….I was sitting in a room full of <Bosnian people talking English. Even the way they smile on the photo corresponds to the way other people do it in the country they live.It broke my heart.

  55. January 12, 2012 6:32 am

    I love to read the comments that come through so often on this thread. It really brings a smile to my face when I see how much everyone enjoys this piece (again – it’s not mine but it just makes me laugh and I wanted to share)

    Hi Ami,

    I don’t agree with that and I wanted to share my thoughts with you so that maybe you wouldn’t feel as saddened by your observations. First, that you were sitting in a room full of Bosnians is a positive sign. Second, I was born and raised in the US and will always have ties to Bosnia. Even my children want to go back and visit their cousins and they have only been once to Bosnia. Finally, I will elaborate more below, but we live in a rapidly globalizing world where borders are becomming less apparent, yet globally we have resistance to globalization as well as societal adaptation issues; we should be moving towards pluralism but assimilation demands still exist.

    Think about this for a moment – while the reason that Bosnians are dispersed all over the world is very sad, I think it makes our bond stronger. Perhaps the real issue is that Bosnia is no longer the Bosnia we once knew. Bosnia itself is a different place to visit post-war. Now when you go on summer vacations, you run across not only Bosnians who live there but half the summer population is visiting from all over the world. It is an international experience. And I believe that influences the culture within Bosnia more than other cultures influence Bosnians living within those societies. This is the reallity of many other countries, not just Bosnia.

    Just because we have historically adapted to various circumstances does not mean that we will be raised “American”, “Norwegian”, “German”, etc. It only means that we are raised within those countries. I’m not even sure that we could really define what is “American”, “German”, etc. Yet, many outspoken voices in those countries and a large portion of their society believe that their cultures are defined and unless one ‘assimilates’ then one is not “Name your coutry here – an”. As long as that exists (and I’m sure it will for a long time, especially since nationalism spreads like a virus in poor economic conditions) then those with Bosnian heritage will more likely feel that they are Bosnian and for that reason will have ties to Bosnia.

    P.S. I watched “In the Land of Blood and Honey” with my best friend tonight and there was a scene where they spoke about cevape. My best friend who is not Bosnian said “ohhhhhh yummm”. She knows what cevape, pita, and lepine are.

  56. AMi permalink
    January 29, 2012 12:26 am

    Well, samaha, glad to hear that, but the reality is that many Bosnians born in some other countries think of Bosnia an exotic place where they can go and have fun r good food.The reality is that they are loosing their identitiy…or sth like that

  57. April 24, 2012 6:01 am

    You are sooo right About everything my dad did make me go buy drina when i was 6 and i still do LOL

  58. zinka permalink
    May 8, 2012 10:59 pm

    nasmijala sam se svemu napisanome iako sam takve clanke cesto citala na fb….uvijek je lijepo procitati o nasim izrazima koji nas cine ono sto jesmo…BOSANCI..bez obzira gdje se nalazimo(a nalazimo se na cijeloj zemaljskoj kugli)…sve ove fraze i recenice sam cula dok sam bila mala od svojih roditelja a sad ih prenosim na svoju dijecu i moja dijeca ce vjerovatno prenositi na svoju djecu jer sam vec par puta cula da koriste iste izraze….

  59. Osama Bukhamseen permalink
    July 11, 2012 2:26 pm

    Salam alaikim,

    Hello I’m a 18 year old, and I am not from around here, and I really am wondering is there any way someone can get a Bosnian Nationality/Citizenship.
    I know it sounds ridiculous, but in the future I hope I could work in Bosnia and live there whileI strive to fulfill my dream.

    If you have any ideas or answers please email me at:

  60. Emir permalink
    August 17, 2012 12:11 am

    Hahaha I love this list. I was born and raised in Sarajevo but I live in United States now. Thank you for this list, brings so many memories. 🙂

  61. BGYMR permalink
    August 23, 2012 2:43 pm

    It was quite an adjustment for my mom when her 11 and 8 year old kids were not given Marlboro’s at the local Giant. WTF

    I got one to add: you know you are bosnian when your parents do not believe in using definite articles, especially “the”

  62. October 31, 2012 1:50 pm

    Promaha vs. promaja to Bosanski Vojnik – To explain this idiom, the easiest way is to take the dictionary. You Bosanski Vojnik, sorry to tell you, but I think you missed some classes at school; if you were fighting for the independence and not going to school you might have an excuse, otherwise get lost from this blog.

  63. Rose permalink
    November 3, 2012 7:40 am

    Hey guys, I really love this list, it is really a good thing and brings up a lot of funny memories…i love it. And please do not discuss about who says what and how they say it. In every country u will find different accents, different expressions but it doesn’t mean the people who live there are different.

    We all know how different people can be, those who know people from Tuzla, Živinice and Banovići, places that are so close, will get my point because those people don’t talk the same way, have different accents and, i don’t know why but, they use even words i never heard before. We souldn’t divide any longer, didn’t u learn anything out of war?? Those divisions made that war and we should stop it. I think it doesn’t matter what nationality we belong as long as we are just normal people and accept each other. Being a human, be aware of the ethos and morale is one thing, but how we believe in God is our private choice.
    Look at it that way, isn’t that list a good description of a life evryone had or still has here??? no matter what your name is or in which part of EX-YU u grew up or live in?? It is all the same! Only the accent differes and a few words, but who cares!!! 😀

    And thank you for that list, it is very funny but sooo true! lol

  64. Damir permalink
    December 31, 2012 5:36 am

    Prvo da kazem da se moze bosanac izbaciti iz bosne Ali Bosna nikad iz njegovog srca …I am from V. Kladusa borne in Bihac . My kids will know Bosnian and Bosnia very well more than half of my family still lives there. I now live in Chicago , and a lot of the list is accurate . However as far as the language goes it was called srpsko/hrvatski when I was in school. (Never Bosnian) i was wondering how to define that. Still it’s all Slavic and similar I even understand a lot of polish and Hungarian ….. Rosetta Stone Slavic !!! OB

  65. December 31, 2012 11:16 pm

    @Damir .. I call it Bosnian. Ni Srbi ni Hrvati to zovu Srpsko Hrvatski , vec zovu Srpski ili Hrvatski .. pa ga ja zovem Bosanski =) In my opinion, it is about how one defines themselves. But I was born and raised in Chicago area so I call what I speak: Bosansko-Engleski.

  66. Amii permalink
    June 7, 2013 9:16 pm

    Ovo nije ni bosansko ni srpsko nego Jugoslovensko.. svi smo bili isti this isn’t bout YOU KNOW YOUR BOSNIAN WHEN YOUR MOTHER BLA BLA was called Jugoslavia once upon a time …

  67. Mostarac permalink
    July 16, 2014 4:45 pm

    For those sayin this is the same as serbian or croatian well duuuuuuuhh they were part of the same country and the parents grew up in the same country so naturally 99% of the stuff is gonna be the same lol.
    In Bosnia you will hear lots of ba, which was used before the war. Watch some of the show “Top Lista Nadrealista”
    In Hercegovina you will hear bona bolan bola etc
    Propuh is commonly used in hercegovina idk about other regiona.

  68. Billy Bob permalink
    April 5, 2016 3:20 pm

    nima nista glava ti ko pista!

  69. Kayla Jusić permalink
    May 28, 2017 12:09 am

    Hahaha so true, i am Bosnian and I relate to this.


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